Cheese Busz

27 04 2012

At first I was wary of the Cheese Busz, as it moved in next door to the crepe truck, blasting weird techno music over the crepe guys’ classics.  But then I realized that a little competition is good for everyone (and I don’t always want a crepe, you know).  So, they’re next in the Grilled Cheese Battle of 2012. 

Overall appearance: 9 Nice shape and size, good toasting on the bread, wrapped in paper.
Overall taste: 7 Nice flavors, just a little bland.
Size: 8 Not too big, not too small.
Greasiness: 9 Just about perfect.
Cheese (quality and quantity): 9 Ooey gooey mozzerella.
Carbohydrate Delivery System: 10 White bread, but not just any white bread. It seemed almost artisenal.
Price: 8 $4.50 Reasonable for the quality, but there are cheaper sandwiches on campus.
Extras: 9 The pesto and tomato were included.
Service and timing: 9 Cheese Busz is quick even when there are a ton of people waiting for food, but they could work a little on their congeniality.
Accuracy of order: 10

Total score: 88


Say Cheese!

18 04 2012

Here goes the first rating for my 2012 Grilled Cheese Battle.

Say Cheese! is one of many new “gourmet” food trucks on Temple’s campus, located right outside of the Tyler School of Art at 13th and Norris.  I ordered a standard “Recruit” from their menu and below are my ratings and explanations.


Overall appearance: 8  Nice shape and size, good toasting on the bread.

Overall taste: 8 I mean, how can you really screw up a grilled cheese? This one had a nice taste with the Horsey Mustard spread giving it a bite.
Size: 8 Not too big, not too small.
Greasiness: 8 There must be some greasiness to a grilled cheese.  I like it when the butter causes it and not the cheese.  This one had that covered.
Cheese (quality and quantity): 6 Great cheese, great taste, but it wasn’t melted all the way through.  HUGE pet peeve of mine!
Carbohydrate Delivery System: 10 Really yummy Italian bread
Price: 8 $4 Reasonable for the quality, but there are cheaper sandwiches on campus.
Extras: 9 The spread and one veg were included.

Service and timing: 10 The peeps at Say Cheese! are always friendly and from the time I walked up to the truck to the time I got my sandwich only took 10 minutes (there were two people in front of me).
Accuracy of order: 10

Total score: 85


Grilled Cheese Battle

12 04 2012

A couple of years ago I tasted a bunch of breakfast sandwiches from trucks on campus and deemed a winner. With the nice spring weather coming soon and two new grilled cheese trucks near my office, I’ve decided to start a grilled cheese battle. Here’s the matrix (a possible 10 points per category):

Overall appearance
Overall taste
Cheese (quality and quantity)
Carbohydrate Delivery System (credit: Matt Palmer)
Service and timing
Accuracy of order
Total score: Possible 100

Stay tuned.